Here’s a complete A-Z list that contains thousands of different homophones.
We’ve included as many different homophones as we could find, but also have some guidelines you can read that explain how these words made it on to our list, as well as the reasons why some were left off.
If you think we’ve missed some words out of our homophones list, we’d love to hear from you! Just get in touch here to share your ideas – if they get added to the list, we’ll give you a credit on this page.
Needless to say, this list is pretty long. If you want to find a specific word and its related homophones, there are a few ways you can do this:
- Look through the list for the word(s) you need (it’s in alphabetical order)
- Use the CTRL + F search functionality in your browser to search the page for the word(s)
- Use our search box in the top right corner of the page – this will search the entire site
For words that are used more often in everyday language, you may prefer our list of most common homophones.
If you find that this page is helpful, you may also find all our homophone activities useful too – we have loads of free homophone worksheets, riddles, jokes, games and more.
Homophones List
absence | absents | |||||
accede | axseed | |||||
accepter | acceptor | |||||
accidence | accidents | |||||
acclamation | acclimation | |||||
ad | add | |||||
adds | ads | adze | ||||
aerial | areal | ariel* | ||||
aid | aide | |||||
adherence | adherents | |||||
adolescence | adolescents | |||||
adulteress | adulterous | |||||
adventuress | adventurous | |||||
aerie | aery | airy | eyrie | |||
aes | ease | |||||
ai | aye | eye | I | |||
ail | ale | |||||
air | aire | are | ayre | ere | eyre | heir |
aisle | I’ll | isle | ||||
ait | ate | eight | ||||
all | awl | |||||
allowed | aloud | |||||
allusion | elusion | illusion | ||||
alms | arms | |||||
altar | alter | |||||
analyst | annalist | |||||
ant | aunt | |||||
ante | anti | auntie | ||||
apatite | appetite | |||||
appose | oppose | |||||
apps | apse | |||||
arc | ark | |||||
aren’t | aunt | |||||
as | ass | asse | ||||
ascent | assent | |||||
ashore* | assure* | |||||
assistance | assistants | |||||
attendance | attendants | |||||
auger | augur | |||||
aught | ought | |||||
auk | awk | orc | ||||
aura* | ora* | |||||
aural | oral | |||||
auricle | oracle | |||||
autarchy | autarky | |||||
away | aweigh | |||||
awe | oar | or | ore | |||
awful | offal | |||||
axel | axil | axle | ||||
axes | axis | |||||
ayes | eyes | |||||
baa | bah | |||||
bad | bade | |||||
bagel* | bagle* | |||||
bail | bale | |||||
bailee | bailey | bailie | ||||
bailer | bailor | baler | ||||
bait | bate | |||||
baiter* | beta* | |||||
baize | bays | beys | ||||
bald | balled | bawled | ||||
ball | bawl | |||||
balm | barm* | bomb | ||||
balmy* | barmy* | |||||
baloney | bologna | |||||
ban | bann | |||||
band | banned | |||||
bar | barre | |||||
bard | barred | |||||
bare | bear | |||||
barer* | bearer* | |||||
baring* | bearing* | |||||
bark | barque | |||||
baron | barren | |||||
barrel | beryl | |||||
basal | basil | |||||
base | bass | |||||
based | baste | |||||
basest | bassist | |||||
bask | basque | |||||
bat | batt | |||||
baud | bawd | |||||
bay | bey | |||||
bazaar | bizarre | |||||
be | bee | |||||
beach | beech | |||||
bean | been | |||||
beat | beet | |||||
beater | beta | |||||
beau | bow | |||||
beaut | butte | |||||
been | bin | |||||
beer | bier | |||||
bees | bise | |||||
beetle | betel | |||||
bel | bell | belle | ||||
belligerence | belligerents | |||||
berg | burg | |||||
berry | bury | |||||
berth | birth | |||||
beta* | baiter | beater* | ||||
better | bettor | |||||
bi | buy | by | bye | |||
bight | bite | byte | ||||
billed | build | |||||
bird | burd | burred | ||||
bit | bitt | |||||
bitten | bittern | |||||
blair | blare | |||||
blend | blende | |||||
blew | blue | |||||
bloc | block | |||||
blond* | blonde* | |||||
boar | bore | |||||
board | bored | |||||
boarder | border | |||||
bocks | box | |||||
bode | bowed | |||||
bogey | bogie | bogy | ||||
bold | bowled | |||||
bolder | boulder | |||||
bole | boll | bowl | ||||
boos | booze | |||||
bootee | booty | |||||
born | bourn | bourne | ||||
borough | burro | burrow | ||||
boss* | bosse* | |||||
bough | bow | |||||
bouillon | bullion | |||||
boy | buoy | |||||
brae | bray | |||||
braes | braise | brays | braze | |||
braid | brayed | |||||
brain | brane | |||||
brake | break | |||||
brassie | brassy | |||||
breach | breech | |||||
bread | bred | |||||
brewed | brood | |||||
brews | bruise | |||||
bridal | bridle | |||||
bright* | brite* | |||||
broach | brooch | |||||
broom | brougham | |||||
brows | browse | |||||
bruit | brut | brute | ||||
buccal | buckle | |||||
bundt | bunt | |||||
bur | burr | |||||
burger | burgher | |||||
burley | burly | |||||
bus | buss | |||||
bused | bussed | bust | ||||
but | butt | |||||
buyer | byre | |||||
cache | cash | |||||
cachou | cashew | |||||
caddie | caddy | cadi | ||||
cain | cane | |||||
caird | cared | |||||
calculous | calculus | |||||
calendar | calender | |||||
calix | calyx | |||||
calk | caulk | |||||
call | caul | col | ||||
callous | callus | |||||
calve* | carve* | |||||
camara | camera | |||||
came | kame | |||||
can’t | cant | |||||
canape | canopy | |||||
cannon | canon | |||||
canter | cantor | |||||
canvas | canvass | |||||
capital | capitol | |||||
carat | caret | carrot | karat | |||
caries | carries | |||||
carol | carrel | |||||
carpal | carpel | |||||
cart | carte* | kart | khat* | |||
cask | casque | |||||
cast | caste | |||||
caster | castor | |||||
caudal | caudle | |||||
caught | court | |||||
caulk* | cork* | |||||
cause | caws | |||||
caw | cor* | core | corps | |||
cay | key | quay | ||||
cedar | ceder | seeder | ||||
cede | seed | |||||
ceil | seal | seel | ||||
ceiling | sealing | |||||
cel | cell | sell | ||||
cellar | seller | |||||
cense | cents | scents | sense | |||
censer | censor | senser | sensor | |||
census | senses | |||||
cent | scent | sent | ||||
cerate | serrate | |||||
cere | sear | seer | sere | |||
cereal | serial | |||||
cession | session | |||||
cete | seat | |||||
chair | chare | |||||
chaise | shays | |||||
champagne | champaign | |||||
chance | chants | |||||
chantey | chanty | shanty | ||||
chard | charred | |||||
chary | cherry | |||||
chased | chaste | |||||
chaw* | chore* | |||||
cheap | cheep | |||||
check | cheque | |||||
cheer* | chia* | |||||
chews | choose | |||||
chic | sheik | |||||
chili | chilly | |||||
chin | chine | |||||
chitin | chiton | kitten | ||||
choc | chock | |||||
choir | quire | |||||
choler | collar | |||||
choral | coral | |||||
chorale | corral | |||||
chord | cord | cored | ||||
chordate | cordate | |||||
chott | shot | |||||
chough | chuff | |||||
chrism | chrisom | |||||
chronical | chronicle | |||||
chucker | chukker | |||||
chute | shoot | |||||
chyle* | kile* | kyle* | ||||
cinque | sink | sync | ||||
cinque | sank | |||||
cirrous | cirrus | serous | ||||
cist | cyst | |||||
cist | kissed | kist | ||||
cite | sight | site | ||||
clabbered | clapboard | |||||
clack | claque | |||||
clairvoyance | clairvoyants | |||||
clause | claws | |||||
clew | clue | |||||
click | clique | klick | ||||
climb | clime | |||||
close | cloze | |||||
coal | cole | kohl | ||||
coaming* | combing* | |||||
coarse | course | |||||
coat | cote | |||||
coax | cokes | |||||
cocks | cox | |||||
coco | cocoa | |||||
coda* | coder* | |||||
coddling | codling | |||||
coffer | cougher | |||||
coin | quoin | |||||
collard | collared | |||||
collie* | colly* | |||||
colonel | kernel | |||||
color | culler | |||||
come | cum | |||||
complacent | complaisant | |||||
compleat | complete | |||||
complement | compliment | |||||
con | conn | khan | ||||
concent | consent | |||||
conch | conk | |||||
condescendence | condescendents | |||||
confectionary | confectionery | |||||
conker | conquer | |||||
consulter | consultor | |||||
continence | continents | |||||
coo | coup | |||||
coolie | coolly | coulee | coulis | |||
cop | kop | |||||
cops | copse | |||||
copy* | kopje* | |||||
coquet | coquette | |||||
cornflour* | cornflower* | |||||
correspondence | correspondents | |||||
cosey | cosy | cozy | ||||
cosher | kosher | |||||
cosign | cosine | |||||
cot | khat | |||||
council | counsel | |||||
councilor | counselor | |||||
courtesy | curtsy | |||||
cousin | cozen | |||||
coward | cowered | |||||
cowrie* | kauri* | |||||
coy | koi | |||||
craft | kraft | |||||
crape | crepe | |||||
crappie* | crappy* | |||||
crater | krater | |||||
creak | creek | |||||
crew* | cru* | |||||
crewed | crude | |||||
crewel | cruel | |||||
crews | cruise | cruse | ||||
cross | crosse | |||||
crumby | crummie | crummy | ||||
cubical | cubicle | |||||
cue | kyu | queue | ||||
curb | kerb | |||||
currant | current | |||||
curser | cursor | |||||
cygnet | signet | |||||
cymbal | symbol | |||||
dam | damn | |||||
data* | dater* | |||||
daw* | door | dor | ||||
days | daze | |||||
dean | dene | |||||
dear | deer | |||||
deasil* | diesel* | |||||
deem | deme | |||||
delinquence | delinquents | |||||
dense | dents | |||||
dental | dentil | |||||
dependence | dependents | |||||
depravation | deprivation | |||||
descendant | descendent | |||||
descent | dissent | |||||
desert | dessert | |||||
deuce | douce | dues | juice | |||
deviance | deviants | |||||
deviser | devisor | divisor | ||||
dew | do | due | ||||
dewed | dude | |||||
dhole* | dole* | |||||
die | dye | |||||
dike | dyke | |||||
dine | dyne | |||||
dire | dyer | |||||
disburse | disperse | |||||
disc | disk | |||||
discreet | discrete | |||||
discussed | disgust | |||||
dissidence | dissidents | |||||
dizi* | dizzy* | |||||
do | doe | doh | dough | |||
doc | dock | |||||
docks* | dox* | |||||
does | doughs | doze | ||||
done | dun | |||||
dost | dust | |||||
dour | dower | |||||
douse | dowse | |||||
drachm | dram | |||||
draft | draught | |||||
dray | drey | |||||
droop | drupe | |||||
dual | duel | jewel | joule | |||
ducked | duct | |||||
ducks* | dux* | |||||
dyeing | dying | |||||
earn | erne | urn | ||||
ease | aes | |||||
eek* | eke* | |||||
eave | eve | |||||
eight | ait | ate | ||||
elicit | illicit | |||||
elusion | allusion | illusion | ||||
emerge | immerge | |||||
ensure | insure | |||||
epic | epoch | |||||
equater | equator | |||||
equivalence | equivalents | |||||
er | err | |||||
ere | eyre | air | aire | are | ayre | heir |
erk | irk | |||||
erred* | urd* | |||||
erupt | irrupt | |||||
ewe | yew | you | yu* | |||
ewes | use | yews | youse | |||
ex* | x* | |||||
exalt | exult | |||||
exercise | exorcise | |||||
expedience | expedients | |||||
eye | ai | aye | I | |||
eyed | I’d | ide | ||||
eyelet | islet | |||||
eyer | ire | |||||
eyes | ayes | |||||
eyrie | aerie | aery | airy | |||
facks* | fax* | |||||
faery | fairy | ferry | ||||
fah | far | |||||
faille | file | phial | ||||
fain | fane | feign | ||||
faint | feint | |||||
fair | fare | fayre | ||||
faker | fakir | |||||
farce* | farse* | |||||
farmer | pharma | |||||
farming | pharming | |||||
faro | farrow | pharaoh | ||||
farther | father | |||||
fat | phat | |||||
fate | fete | |||||
faun | fawn | |||||
faux* | foe* | |||||
fay | fey | |||||
fays | faze | phase | ||||
fear | fere | |||||
feat | feet | |||||
feaze | fees | feeze | ||||
felloe | fellow | |||||
fennel | phenyl | |||||
feral | ferrule | ferule | ||||
few | phew | |||||
fiance | fiancee | |||||
fie | phi | |||||
fike* | fyke* | |||||
fills | fils | |||||
filter | philter | |||||
find | fined | |||||
fir | fur | |||||
firs | furs | furze | ||||
fish | phish | |||||
fisher | fissure | |||||
fizz | phiz | |||||
flack | flak | |||||
flacks | flax | |||||
flair | flare | |||||
flaw | floor | |||||
flay | fley | |||||
flea | flee | |||||
flecks | flex | |||||
flew | flu | flue | ||||
flicks* | flix* | |||||
flier | flyer | |||||
floc | flock | |||||
flocks | flocs | flox* | phlox | |||
floe | flow | |||||
florescence | fluorescence | fluorescents | ||||
flour | flower | |||||
foaled | fold | |||||
for | fore | four | ||||
forbear | forebear | |||||
forego | forgo | |||||
foreward | foreword | forward | ||||
form | forme | |||||
formally | formerly | |||||
fort | forte | fought | ||||
forth | fourth | |||||
foul | fowl | |||||
fraise | frays | phrase | ||||
franc | frank | |||||
frater* | freighter* | |||||
freak | phreak | |||||
frees | freeze | frieze | ||||
fret* | frett* | |||||
friar | fryer | |||||
fro | froe | |||||
fungous | fungus | |||||
fussed* | fust* | |||||
gaff | gaffe | |||||
gage | gauge | |||||
gait | gate | |||||
gaiter | gator | |||||
galipot | gallipot | |||||
galley | gally | |||||
gallop | galop | |||||
gamble | gambol | |||||
gamin | gammon | |||||
gang | gangue | |||||
gassed | gast | |||||
gaud | gorde | gored | gourd | gourde | ||
gays | gaze | |||||
geezer* | geyser* | |||||
gel | jell | |||||
genes | jeans | |||||
gest | jest | |||||
ghat | got | |||||
ghillie* | gilly* | |||||
gib* | jib* | |||||
gibe* | gybe* | jibe* | ||||
gild | gilled | guild | ||||
gill* | jill* | |||||
gilt | guilt | |||||
gin | jinn | |||||
giro | gyro | |||||
glair | glare | |||||
glean* | gleen* | glene* | ||||
gnar | knar | |||||
gnaw | nor | |||||
gneiss | nice | |||||
gnu | knew | new | nu | |||
gnus | news | |||||
gofer | gopher | |||||
gorilla | guerilla | |||||
grade | grayed | |||||
graft | graphed | |||||
grate | great | |||||
grays | graze | |||||
greave | grieve | |||||
grievance | grievants | |||||
grill* | grille* | |||||
grip | grippe | |||||
grisly | gristly | grizzly | ||||
groan | grown | |||||
grocer | grosser | |||||
guarantee | guaranty | |||||
guessed | guest | |||||
guide | guyed | |||||
guise | guys | |||||
gyve | jive | |||||
hae | hay | heigh | hey | |||
haik | hike | |||||
hail | hale | |||||
hair | hare | |||||
hall | haul | |||||
halve | have | |||||
handmade | handmaid | |||||
handsome | hansom | |||||
hangar | hanger | |||||
hart | heart | |||||
haw | hoar | hore* | whore | |||
hawed | hoard | horde | whored | |||
hays | haze | |||||
heal | heel | he’ll | ||||
heald | healed | heeled | ||||
hear | here | |||||
heard | herd | |||||
hears | here’s | |||||
he’d | heed | |||||
height | hight | |||||
heir | air | aire | are | ayre | ere | eyre |
herds | hurds | |||||
heroin | heroine | |||||
hertz | hurts | |||||
hew | hue | |||||
hi | hie | high | ||||
hic | hick | |||||
hide | hied | |||||
higher | hire | |||||
him | hymn | |||||
hissed | hist | |||||
ho | hoe | |||||
hoarse | horse | |||||
hoax* | hokes* | |||||
hoc | hock | hough | ||||
hode* | hoed* | |||||
hoes | hose | |||||
hold | holed | |||||
hole | whole | |||||
holey | holy | wholly | ||||
holm | hom | home | ||||
hoo | who | |||||
hoop | whoop | |||||
hostel | hostile | |||||
hour | our | |||||
house | how’s | hows | ||||
humerus | humorous | |||||
hurdle | hurtle | |||||
I | ai | aye | eye | |||
I’d | ide | eyed | ||||
idle | idol | idyll | ||||
ileum | ilium | |||||
I’ll | isle | aisle | ||||
illicit | elicit | |||||
illusion | allusion | elusion | ||||
immanent | imminent | |||||
immerge | emerge | |||||
impassable | impassible | impossible | ||||
impatience | impatiens | |||||
impotence | impotents | |||||
impugn* | impune* | |||||
in | inn | |||||
incandescence | incandescents | |||||
incidence | incidents | |||||
incite | insight | |||||
incompetence | incompetents | |||||
independence | independents | |||||
indict | indite | |||||
indigence | indigents | |||||
inductance | inductants | |||||
infuser | infusor | |||||
innocence | innocents | |||||
installation | instillation | |||||
instance | instants | |||||
insure | ensure | |||||
intense | intents | |||||
intension* | intention* | |||||
invade | inveighed | |||||
ire | eyer | |||||
irk | erk | |||||
irrupt | erupt | |||||
islet | eyelet | |||||
it’s | its | |||||
jalousie | jealousy | |||||
jam | jamb | |||||
jeans | genes | |||||
jell | gel | |||||
jest | gest | |||||
jewel | joule | dual | duel | |||
jibe* | gibe* | gybe* | ||||
jinks | jinx | |||||
jinn | gin | |||||
jive | gyve | |||||
juice | deuce | douce | dues | |||
kame | came | |||||
karat | carat | caret | carrot | |||
kart | cart | carte* | khat* | |||
kauri* | cowrie* | |||||
kerb | curb | |||||
kernel | colonel | |||||
key | cay | quay | ||||
khan | con | conn | ||||
khat | cot | |||||
kile* | chyle* | kyle* | ||||
kissed | kist | cist | ||||
kite | kyte | |||||
kitten | chitin | chiton | ||||
klick | click | clique | ||||
knag* | nag* | |||||
knap | nap | |||||
knar | gnar | |||||
knave | nave | |||||
knead | kneed | need | ||||
knee | nee | |||||
knew | gnu | new | nu | |||
knickers | nickers | |||||
knight | night | |||||
knit | nit | |||||
knitted* | nitid* | |||||
knob | nob | |||||
knock | nock | |||||
knot | not | |||||
knout* | nowt* | |||||
know | no | |||||
knows | noes | nose | ||||
kohl | coal | cole | ||||
koi | coy | |||||
kop | cop | |||||
kopje* | copy* | |||||
kosher | cosher | |||||
kraft | craft | |||||
krater | crater | |||||
krona | krone | |||||
kyu | cue | queue | ||||
laager | lager | logger | ||||
lac | lack | lakh | ||||
laches | latches | |||||
lacks | lax | |||||
lade | laid | leid | ||||
lain | lane | |||||
lam | lamb | |||||
lama | llama | |||||
lance | launce | |||||
languor* | langur* | |||||
laps | lapse | |||||
larva | lava | |||||
lase | lays | laze | leas | leis | leys | |
laser | lazar | |||||
law | lore | |||||
lay | lea | lei | ley | |||
lea | lee | li | ||||
leach | leech | |||||
lead | led | |||||
lead | lede | |||||
leader | lieder | liter | ||||
leaf | lief | |||||
leak | leek | |||||
lean | lien | |||||
leant* | lent* | |||||
lear | leer | |||||
leased | least | |||||
leave | lieve | |||||
leaven | levin | |||||
leaver | lever | |||||
leerer* | lira* | |||||
less | loess | |||||
lessen | lesson | |||||
lesser | lessor | |||||
levee | levy | |||||
liar | lier | lyre | ||||
lice | lyse | |||||
licence* | license* | |||||
lichen | liken | |||||
licht | licked | |||||
licker | liquor | |||||
lie | lye | |||||
lieu | loo | |||||
light* | lite* | |||||
lightening | lightning | |||||
limb | limn | |||||
limba* | limber* | |||||
links | lynx | |||||
literal | littoral | |||||
lo | low | |||||
load | lode | lowed | ||||
loan | lone | |||||
loath | loathe | |||||
loch | lock | lough | ||||
lochs | locks | lox | ||||
loon | lune | |||||
loop | loupe | |||||
loos | lose | |||||
loose | luce | |||||
loot | lute | |||||
lux | luxe | |||||
mac | mach | mack | ||||
made | maid | |||||
male | ||||||
main | mane | mein | ||||
maize | maze | |||||
mall | maul | |||||
mandrel | mandrill | |||||
mangel* | mangle* | |||||
manna | manner | manor | ||||
mantel | mantle | |||||
marc | mark | marque | ||||
mare | mayor | |||||
marquee | marquis | |||||
marshal | martial | |||||
marten | martin | |||||
maser | mazer | |||||
mask | masque | |||||
massed | mast | |||||
mat | matte | |||||
maw | moor | more | ||||
me | mi | |||||
mead | meed | |||||
mealie* | mealy* | |||||
mean | mesne | mien | ||||
meat | meet | mete | ||||
meatier | meteor | |||||
medal | meddle | |||||
meddler | medlar | |||||
meeting | meting | |||||
metal | mettle | |||||
mewl | mule | |||||
mews | muse | |||||
mho | mot | mow | ||||
mic | mike | |||||
microlight* | microlite* | |||||
middy | midi | |||||
might | mite | |||||
mil | mill | |||||
millenary | millinery | |||||
mince | mints | |||||
mind | mined | |||||
miner | minor | mynah | ||||
minks | minx | |||||
miscible | missable | |||||
missal | missile | |||||
missed | mist | |||||
misses | missus | |||||
moan | mown | |||||
moat | mote | |||||
mode | mowed | |||||
mood | mooed | |||||
moose | mousse | |||||
mordant | mordent | |||||
morn | mourn | |||||
morning | mourning | |||||
much | mutch | |||||
mucous | mucus | |||||
mugga* | mugger* | |||||
murderess | murderous | |||||
murr* | myrrh* | |||||
muscle | mussel | |||||
mussed | must | musth | ||||
mustard | mustered | |||||
mutual | mutuel | |||||
nae | nay | nee | neigh | |||
nag* | knag* | |||||
nap | knap | |||||
nappa* | napper* | |||||
narc | nark | |||||
naval | navel | |||||
nave | knave | |||||
neap | neep | |||||
nee | knee | |||||
need | knead | kneed | ||||
new | nu | gnu | knew | |||
news | gnus | |||||
nice | gneiss | |||||
nickel | nickle | |||||
nickers | knickers | |||||
nicks | nix | |||||
nigh | nye | |||||
night | knight | |||||
nit | knit | |||||
no | know | |||||
nob | knob | |||||
nock | knock | |||||
noes | nose | knows | ||||
none | nun | |||||
noose | nous | |||||
nor | gnaw | |||||
not | knot | |||||
oak | oke | |||||
oar | or | ore | awe | |||
od | odd | |||||
ode | owed | |||||
offal | awful | |||||
oh | owe | |||||
one | won | |||||
oohs | ooze | |||||
oppose | appose | |||||
oracle | auricle | |||||
ora* | aura* | |||||
oral | aural | |||||
orc | auk | awk | ||||
ordinance | ordnance | |||||
ought | aught | |||||
our | hour | |||||
ova* | over* | |||||
overdo | overdue | |||||
overseas | oversees | |||||
pa | pah | par | parr | pas | ||
paced | paste | |||||
packed | pact | |||||
packs | pax | |||||
paean | peon | |||||
paid | payed | |||||
pail | pale | |||||
pain | pane | |||||
pair | pare | pear | ||||
palate | palette | pallet | ||||
pall | pawl | |||||
pan | panne | |||||
panda* | pander* | |||||
parca* | parka* | parker* | ||||
pard | parred | |||||
parol | parole | |||||
parse | pass | |||||
pascal | paschal | |||||
passable | passible | |||||
passed | past | |||||
pasta | pastor | |||||
paten | patten | pattern | ||||
patience | patients | |||||
pause | paws | pores | pours | |||
paw | poor | pore | pour | |||
pawn | porn | |||||
pe | pea | pee | ||||
peace | piece | |||||
peak | peek | peke | pique | |||
peal | peel | |||||
pean | peen | |||||
pearl | purl | |||||
peas | pease | pees | pes | |||
pecten | pectin | |||||
pedal | peddle | |||||
peer | pier | |||||
pelisse | police | |||||
penance | pennants | |||||
pencel | pencil | pensile | ||||
pend | penned | |||||
pendant | pendent | |||||
penitence | penitents | |||||
penni | penny | |||||
per | purr | |||||
peri* | perry* | |||||
permanence | permanents | |||||
perse | purse | |||||
petrel | petrol | |||||
pew | pugh | |||||
pharaoh | faro | farrow | ||||
pharma | farmer | |||||
pharming | farming | |||||
phase | fays | faze | ||||
phat | fat | |||||
phenyl | fennel | |||||
phew | few | |||||
phi | fie | |||||
phial | faille | file | ||||
philter | filter | |||||
phish | fish | |||||
phiz | fizz | |||||
phlox | flocks | flocs | flox* | |||
phosphorous | phosphorus | |||||
phrase | fraise | frays | ||||
phreak | freak | |||||
pi | pie | |||||
pic | pick | |||||
pica | pika | |||||
picks | pics | pix | pyx | |||
picnic | pyknic | |||||
pidgin | pigeon | |||||
pinion | pinon | |||||
pieced* | piste* | |||||
pistil | pistol | |||||
pixie | pyxie | |||||
place | plaice | |||||
plain | plane | |||||
plainer | planar | planer | ||||
plait | plate | |||||
plantar | planter | |||||
pleas | please | |||||
pleural | plural | |||||
plum | plumb | |||||
pocks | pox | |||||
pokey | poky | |||||
polar | poler | poller | ||||
pole | poll | |||||
policlinic | polyclinic | |||||
politic | politick | |||||
pomace | pumice | |||||
poodle | pootle | |||||
poof | pouf | pouffe | ||||
popery | potpourri | |||||
populace | populous | populus | ||||
practice* | practise* | |||||
praise | prase | prays | preys | |||
pray | prey | |||||
precedence | precedents | presidents | ||||
precisian | precision | |||||
premier | premiere | |||||
presence | presents | |||||
pressed | prest | |||||
presser | pressor | |||||
pride | pried | |||||
prier | prior | |||||
pries | prise | prize | ||||
prince | prints | |||||
principal | principle | |||||
profit | prophet | |||||
prophecy | prophesy | |||||
pros | prose | |||||
psalter | salter | |||||
psi | scye | sigh | xi | |||
psychosis | sycosis | |||||
pupal | pupil | |||||
purest | purist | |||||
puttee | putty | |||||
queue | cue | kyu | ||||
quad | quod | |||||
quarts | quartz | |||||
quay | cay | key | ||||
quean | queen | |||||
quince | quints | |||||
quire | choir | |||||
quoin | coin | |||||
quota* | quoter* | |||||
rabbet | rabbit | |||||
rack | wrack | |||||
racket | rackett | racquet | ||||
racks | rax | wracks | ||||
radical | radicle | |||||
raid | rayed | |||||
rail | rale | |||||
rain | reign | rein | ||||
raise | rays | raze | ||||
raiser | razer | razor | ||||
raki | rocky | |||||
rancor | ranker | |||||
rang | wrang | |||||
rangle* | wrangle* | |||||
rap | wrap | |||||
rapped | rapt | wrapped | ||||
rathe | wraith | |||||
raw | roar | |||||
ray | re | |||||
read | rede | reed | ||||
read | red | redd | ||||
real | reel | |||||
ream* | reem* | rheme* | ||||
reave | reeve | |||||
recede | reseed | |||||
receipt | reseat | |||||
reck | wreck | |||||
reek | wreak | |||||
reference | referents | |||||
relaid | relayed | |||||
remark | remarque | |||||
remittance | remittence | remittents | ||||
ren* | wren* | |||||
rends | wrens | |||||
repeal | repeel | |||||
resew | resow | |||||
residence | residents | |||||
resinate | resonate | |||||
resistance | resistants | |||||
resister | resistor | |||||
rest | wrest | |||||
retard | retarred | |||||
retch | wretch | |||||
review | revue | |||||
rex | wrecks | |||||
rheum | room | |||||
rheumy | roomie | roomy | ||||
rho | roe | row | ||||
rhos | roes | rose | rows | |||
rhumb | rum | |||||
rhyme | rime | |||||
rigger | rigor | |||||
right | rite | wright | write | |||
ring | wring | |||||
riot | ryot | |||||
rise | ryes | |||||
road | rode | rowed | ||||
roc | rock | |||||
roil | royal | |||||
role | roll | |||||
rondeau | rondo | |||||
roo | roux | rue | ||||
rood | rude | rued | ||||
roomer | rumor | |||||
roos | rues | ruse | ||||
root | route | |||||
rosary | rosery | |||||
rota | rotor | |||||
rote | wrote | |||||
rough | ruff | ruffe* | ||||
rouse | rows | |||||
rout | route | |||||
rung | wrung | |||||
rye | wry | |||||
sac | sack | sacque | ||||
saccharin | saccharine | |||||
sachet | sashay | |||||
sacks | sacques | sacs | sax | |||
sail | sale | |||||
salter | psalter | |||||
salver | salvor | |||||
sandhi | sandy | |||||
sane | seine | |||||
sank | cinque | |||||
sari | sorry | |||||
sauce | source | |||||
saucer* | sourcer* | |||||
sault | sou | sue | xu* | |||
saver | savor | |||||
saw | soar | sore | ||||
scalar | scaler | |||||
scend | send | |||||
scene | seen | |||||
scent | sent | cent | ||||
scents | sense | cense | cents | |||
scull | skull | |||||
scye | sigh | psi | xi | |||
sea | see | si | ||||
seal | seel | ceil | ||||
sealing | ceiling | |||||
seam | seem | |||||
seaman | seamen | semen | ||||
sear | seer | sere | cere | |||
seas | sees | seize | ||||
seat | cete | |||||
sects | sex | |||||
seed | cede | |||||
seeder | cedar | ceder | ||||
seeker* | sika* | |||||
sell | cel | cell | ||||
sellar | seller | cellar | ||||
senate | sennet | sennit | ||||
senser | sensor | censer | censor | |||
senses | census | |||||
sequence | sequents | |||||
seraph | serif | |||||
serf | surf | |||||
serge | surge | |||||
serial | cereal | |||||
serous | cirrous | cirrus | ||||
serrate | cerate | |||||
session | cession | |||||
set | sett | |||||
settler | settlor | |||||
sew | so | sow | ||||
sewed | sowed | |||||
sewer | sower | |||||
sewer | suer | |||||
sewn | sone | sown | ||||
sexed | sext | |||||
shake | sheik | |||||
shanty | chantey | chanty | ||||
shays | chaise | |||||
she | shea | |||||
shear | sheer | |||||
sheik | chic | |||||
shire | shyer | |||||
shoe | shoo | |||||
shone | shown | |||||
shoot | chute | |||||
shot | chott | |||||
sibilance | sibilants | |||||
sic | seek | |||||
sic | sick | |||||
sics | six | |||||
side | sighed | |||||
sigher | sire | |||||
sighs | size | |||||
sight | site | cite | ||||
sign | sine | syne | ||||
signet | cygnet | |||||
silence | silents | |||||
sink | sync | cinque | ||||
slay | sleigh | |||||
sleave | sleeve | |||||
sleight | slight | |||||
slew | slough | slue | ||||
sloe | slow | |||||
soak | soke | |||||
sawed* | soared | sord* | sword | |||
sol | sole | soul | ||||
sold | soled | |||||
some | sum | |||||
son | sun | sunn | ||||
sonny | sunny | |||||
soot | suit | |||||
sort | sought | |||||
spa | spar | |||||
spade | spaed | spayed | ||||
spae | spay | |||||
spec | speck | |||||
spits | spitz | |||||
spoor | spore | |||||
sprits | spritz | |||||
squaller | squalor | |||||
stade | staid | stayed | ||||
staff | staph | |||||
stair | stare | |||||
stake | steak | |||||
stalk | stork | |||||
stanch | staunch | |||||
stater | stator | |||||
statice | status | |||||
stationary | stationery | |||||
steal | steel | stele | ||||
steer | stere | |||||
step | steppe | |||||
stile | style | |||||
stoop | stoup | stupe | ||||
storey | story | |||||
straight | strait | |||||
strider | stridor | |||||
sty | stye | |||||
subtler | sutler | |||||
succor | sucker | |||||
succulence | succulents | |||||
suede | swayed | |||||
suite | sweet | |||||
summary | summery | |||||
sundae | Sunday | |||||
sundri* | sundry* | |||||
swat | swot | |||||
sycosis | psychosis | |||||
symbol | cymbal | |||||
tach | tack | |||||
tacked | tact | |||||
tacks | tax | |||||
tael | tail | taille | tale | |||
tahr | tar | |||||
tai* | tie* | |||||
tailer | tailor | |||||
talk | torque | |||||
taper | tapir | |||||
tare | tear | |||||
tartar | tarter | |||||
taught | taut | tort | torte | |||
taupe | tope | |||||
tea | tee | ti | ||||
teal | teil | |||||
tealight* | teallite* | |||||
team | teem | |||||
tear | tier | |||||
teas | tease | tees | tis | |||
tel | tell | |||||
tenner | tenor | |||||
tense | tents | |||||
tenser | tensor | |||||
terce | terse | |||||
tern | terne | turn | ||||
tie | tai | tye | ||||
the | thee | |||||
their | there | they’re | ||||
therefor | therefore | |||||
threw | through | |||||
throe | throw | |||||
throne | thrown | |||||
thyme | time | |||||
tic | tick | |||||
ticks | tics | tix | ||||
tide | tied | |||||
tier | tire | tyre | ||||
tighten | titan | |||||
tighter | titer | |||||
til | till | |||||
timber | timbre | |||||
to | too | two | ||||
toad | toed | towed | ||||
toady | tody | |||||
tocsin | toxin | |||||
toe | tow | |||||
toke | toque | |||||
told | tolled | |||||
tole | toll | |||||
ton | tonne | tun | ||||
tongue | tung | |||||
tool | tulle | |||||
toon | tune | |||||
tooter | tutor | |||||
tor | tore | |||||
torcher | torture | |||||
tough | tuff | |||||
toughed | tuft | |||||
tracked | tract | |||||
traitoress | traitorous | |||||
tray | trey | |||||
tri | try | |||||
tride | tried | |||||
troche | trochee | |||||
troop | troupe | |||||
trussed | trust | |||||
tuba | tuber | |||||
tucks | tux | |||||
tuna* | tuner* | |||||
turban | turbine | |||||
ulna* | ulnar* | |||||
ulnar* | ulna* | |||||
umbel* | umble* | |||||
umble* | umbel* | |||||
uncal | uncle | |||||
undo | undue | |||||
unreal | unreel | |||||
urd* | erred* | |||||
urn | earn | erne | ||||
use | ewes | yews | youse | |||
vail | vale | veil | ||||
vain | vane | vein | ||||
valance | valence | |||||
vaper* | vapor* | |||||
variance | variants | |||||
vary | very | |||||
vellum | velum | |||||
veena* | vena* | |||||
veracious | voracious | |||||
verdure | verger | |||||
versed | verst | |||||
verses | versus | |||||
via* | vier* | |||||
vial | vile | viol | ||||
vice | vise | |||||
villain | villein | |||||
villous | villus | |||||
viscous | viscus | |||||
wack | whack | |||||
wacks | wax | whacks | ||||
wade | weighed | |||||
wail | wale | whale | ||||
wain | wane | |||||
waist | waste | |||||
wait | weight | |||||
waive | wave | |||||
wall | waul | |||||
want | wont | |||||
war | wore | |||||
ward | warred | |||||
ware | wear | where | ||||
warn | worn | |||||
warrantee | warranty | |||||
wart | wort | |||||
watt | what | wot | ||||
way | weigh | whey | ||||
we | wee | whee | ||||
weak | week | |||||
weakly | weekly | |||||
weal | we’ll | wheal | wheel | |||
weald | wheeled | wield | ||||
wean | ween | |||||
weaner | wiener | |||||
weather | wether | whether | ||||
weave | we’ve | |||||
weaver | weever | |||||
we’d | weed | |||||
weir | we’re | |||||
weld | welled | |||||
wen | when | |||||
were | whir | |||||
wet | whet | |||||
which | witch | |||||
whicker | wicker | |||||
while | wile | |||||
whiled | wild | wiled | ||||
whin | win | wynn | ||||
whine | wine | |||||
whined | wind | wined | wynd | |||
whirl | whorl | |||||
whirled | whorled | world | ||||
whirred | word | |||||
whish | wish | |||||
whit | wit | |||||
white | wight | wite | ||||
whither | wither | |||||
who | hoo | |||||
whoa | woe | |||||
whole | hole | |||||
wholly | holey | holy | ||||
whoop | hoop | |||||
whore | haw | haw | ||||
whored | hawed | hoard | horde | |||
who’s | whose | |||||
why | wye | |||||
whys | wise | wyes | ||||
wind | winned | |||||
windlass | windless | |||||
wins | winze | |||||
won | one | |||||
wood | would | |||||
worst | wurst | |||||
wrack | rack | |||||
wracks | racks | rax | ||||
wraith | rathe | |||||
wrang | rang | |||||
wrangle* | rangle* | |||||
wrap | rap | |||||
wrapped | rapped | rapt | ||||
wreak | reek | |||||
wreck | reck | |||||
wrecks | rex | |||||
wren* | ren* | |||||
wrens | rends | |||||
wrest | rest | |||||
wretch | retch | |||||
wright | write | right | rite | |||
wring | ring | |||||
wrote | rote | |||||
wrung | rung | |||||
wry | rye | |||||
xi | psi | scye | sigh | |||
xu* | sault | sou | sue | |||
y’all | yawl | |||||
yack | yak | |||||
yaw | yore | your | you’re | |||
yeld* | yelled* | |||||
yew | you | yu* | ewe | |||
yews | youse | ewes | use | |||
yippee* | yippie* | |||||
yoke | yolk | |||||
you’ll | yule | |||||
zebras* | zebrass* | |||||
zinc* | zink* |
* Thanks to Gary D. for the knitted/nitid homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding gybe to the gibe/jibe homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding hore to the haw/hoar/whore homophones.
* Thanks to Mark G. for the deasil/diesel homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the gill/jill homophones.
* Thanks to John G. for the ducks/dux homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding ariel to the aerial/areal homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding flox to the flocks/flocs/phlox homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding sawed and sord to the soared/sword homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the aura/ora homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the microlight/microlite homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the light/lite homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the tealight/teallite homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ren/wren homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the chyle/kile/kyle homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the zinc/zink homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the flicks/flix homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the panda/pander homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the tuna/tuner homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the quota/quoter homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the cornflour/cornflower homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the caulk/cork homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the frater/freighter homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of ruffe to rough/ruff.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the tai/tie homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of carte & khat to cart/kart.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the parca/parka/parker homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the crew/cru homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ova/over homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the laud/lord homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the lauds/lords homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the rangle/wrangle homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the calve/carve homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the faux/foe homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the erred/urd homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ulna/ulnar homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the umbel/umble homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the coda/coder homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the boss/bosse homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the sundri/sundry homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the mugga/mugger homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the limba/limber homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ream/reem/rheme homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the cowrie/kauri homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the blond/blonde homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the data/dater homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the fussed/fust homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the eek/eke homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the grill/grille homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the veena/vena homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the coaming/combing homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the via/vier homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the copy/kopje homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the zebras/zebrass homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the dizi/dizzy homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the mealie/mealy homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of xu to the sault/sou/sue homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of yu to the ewe/yew/you homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the impugn/impune homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the knag/nag homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the fike/fyke homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the fret/frett homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the barer/bearer homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the geezer/geyser homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the beater/beta homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the bright/brite homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the baring/bearing homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the chaw/chore homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the leant/lent homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the languor/langur homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the hoax/hokes homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the murr/myrrh homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the nappa/napper homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the saucer/sourcer homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the collie/colly homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the leerer/lira homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the farce/farse homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the cheer/chia homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ghillie/gilly homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding daw to the door/dor homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the docks/dox homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the knout/nowt homophones.
* Thanks to Robert W. for the ashore/assure homophones.
* Thanks to Robert W. for the intension/intention homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the balmy/barmy homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for adding barm to the balm/bomb homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the yeld/yelled homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the yippee/yippie homophones.
* Thanks to Jeremy R. for the vaper/vapor homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the facks/fax homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the hode/hoed homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the pieced/piste homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the licence/license homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the practice/practise homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the glean/gleen/glene homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the mangel/mangle homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the ex/x homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the bagel/bagle homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the peri/perry homophones.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of the cor homophone.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of the dhole/dole homophone.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of the crappie/crappy homophone.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of the seeker/sika homophone.
* Thanks to Ann A. for the addition of the gib/jib homophone.