Homophones Starting With C

Here is a complete list of homophones that start with the letter C.

Although the first words start with C, many of their homophones begin with other letters, especially the letters K and S.

If you’d like to see a full A-Z list of homophones on one page, you can find that here.

Homophones Starting With C

cache cash
cachou cashew
caddie caddy cadi
cain cane
caird cared
calculous calculus
calendar calender
calix calyx
calk caulk
call caul col
callous callus
calve carve
camara camera
came kame
can’t cant
canape canopy
cannon canon
canter cantor
canvas canvass
capital capitol
carat caret carrot karat
caries carries
carol carrel
carpal carpel
cart carte kart khat
cask casque
cast caste
caster castor
caudal caudle
caught court
caulk cork
cause caws
caw cor core corps
cay key quay
cedar ceder seeder
cede seed
ceil seal seel
ceiling sealing
cel cell sell
cellar seller
cense cents scents sense
censer censor senser sensor
census senses
cent scent sent
cerate serrate
cere sear seer sere
cereal serial
cession session
cete seat
chair chare
chaise shays
champagne champaign
chance chants
chantey chanty shanty
chard charred
chary cherry
chased chaste
chaw chore
cheap cheep
check cheque
cheer chia
chews choose
chic sheik
chili chilly
chin chine
chitin chiton kitten
choc chock
choir quire
choler collar
choral coral
chorale corral
chord cord cored
chordate cordate
chott shot
chough chuff
chrism chrisom
chronical chronicle
chucker chukker
chute shoot
chyle kile kyle
cinque sink sync
cinque sank
cirrous cirrus serous
cist cyst
cist kissed kist
cite sight site
clabbered clapboard
clack claque
clairvoyance clairvoyants
clause claws
clew clue
click clique klick
climb clime
close cloze
coal cole kohl
coaming combing
coarse course
coat cote
coax cokes
cocks cox
coco cocoa
coda coder
coddling codling
coffer cougher
coin quoin
collard collared
collie colly
colonel kernel
color culler
come cum
complacent complaisant
compleat complete
complement compliment
con conn khan
concent consent
conch conk
condescendence condescendents
confectionary confectionery
conker conquer
consulter consultor
continence continents
coo coup
coolie coolly coulee coulis
cop kop
cops copse
copy kopje
coquet coquette
cornflour cornflower
correspondence correspondents
cosey cosy cozy
cosher kosher
cosign cosine
cot khat
council counsel
councilor counselor
courtesy curtsy
cousin cozen
coward cowered
cowrie kauri
coy koi
craft kraft
crape crepe
crater krater
creak creek
crew cru
crewed crude
crewel cruel
crews cruise cruse
cross crosse
crumby crummie crummy
cubical cubicle
cue kyu queue
curb kerb
currant current
curser cursor
cygnet signet
cymbal symbol
Make sure you check out our complete homophones list.