Homophones Starting With P

On this page you can find a list of every homophone that starts with the letter P.

Although the words in the first column (and many of the other columns) begin with P, some of their homophones start with other letters of the alphabet.

We also have a separate homophone list containing every homophone from A-Z.

Homophones Starting With P

pa pah par parr pas
paced paste
packed pact
packs pax
paean peon
paid payed
pail pale
pain pane
pair pare pear
palate palette pallet
pall pawl
pan panne
panda pander
parca parka parker
pard parred
parol parole
parse pass
pascal paschal
passable passible
passed past
pasta pastor
paten patten pattern
patience patients
pause paws pores pours
paw poor pore pour
pawn porn
pe pea pee
peace piece
peak peek peke pique
peal peel
pean peen
pearl purl
peas pease pees pes
pecten pectin
pedal peddle
peer pier
pelisse police
penance pennants
pencel pencil pensile
pend penned
pendant pendent
penitence penitents
penni penny
per purr
peri perry
permanence permanents
perse purse
petrel petrol
pew pugh
pharaoh faro farrow
pharma farmer
pharming farming
phase fays faze
phat fat
phenyl fennel
phew few
phi fie
phial faille file
philter filter
phish fish
phiz fizz
phlox flocks flocs flox
phosphorous phosphorus
phrase fraise frays
phreak freak
pi pie
pic pick
pica pika
picks pics pix pyx
picnic pyknic
pidgin pigeon
pieced piste
pinion pinon
pistil pistol
pixie pyxie
place plaice
plain plane
plainer planar planer
plait plate
plantar planter
pleas please
pleural plural
plum plumb
pocks pox
pokey poky
polar poler poller
pole poll
policlinic polyclinic
politic politick
pomace pumice
poodle pootle
poof pouf pouffe
popery potpourri
populace populous populus
practice practise
praise prase prays preys
pray prey
precedence precedents presidents
precisian precision
premier premiere
presence presents
pressed prest
presser pressor
pride pried
prier prior
pries prise prize
prince prints
principal principle
profit prophet
prophecy prophesy
pros prose
psalter salter
psi scye sigh xi
psychosis sycosis
pupal pupil
purest purist
puttee putty
Make sure you check out our complete homophones list.