Homophones Starting With D

On this page you can find a list of homophones that begin with the letter D.

Even though the first words listed start with D, a few of their homophones start with the letter J.

For a complete homophones list, click here.

Homophones Starting With D

dam damn
data dater
daw door dor
days daze
dean dene
dear deer
deasil diesel
deem deme
delinquence delinquents
dense dents
dental dentil
dependence dependents
depravation deprivation
descendant descendent
descent dissent
desert dessert
deuce douce dues juice
deviance deviants
deviser devisor divisor
dew do due
dewed dude
die dye
dike dyke
dine dyne
dire dyer
disburse disperse
disc disk
discreet discrete
discussed disgust
dissidence dissidents
dizi dizzy
do doe doh dough
doc dock
docks dox
does doughs doze
done dun
dost dust
dour dower
douse dowse
drachm dram
draft draught
dray drey
droop drupe
dual duel jewel joule
ducked duct
ducks dux
dyeing dying
Make sure you check out our complete homophones list.